We publish our own journal, 009 News, at monthly intervals. This is a comprehensive newsletter, usually at least sixteen A4 pages, printed on good quality paper. Most issues are in full colour. The 009 News contains news and views, hints and tips, drawings and articles on all aspects of small scale narrow gauge modelling including 009, HOe and HOn30. The 009 News is posted direct to each 009 Society member.
To obtain a sample copy of the 009 News, in PDF format (2.0Mb), which is a copy of the October 2013 NEWS, by clicking HERE. We hope that you enjoy reading this issue and decide to join the Society. To become a member please go to the Membership Rates page.
However, if you would like a paper copy of a typical issue of the 009 News then please write to the Membership Secretary. Please include a 'Large' rate stamp (if in the UK) or else 2 International Reply Coupons. Please remember to include your postal address and send your request to:
Brian Ellsmore, Membership Secretary, 009 Society, 60 Lingwood Avenue, Christchurch, BH23 3JU, UK. |