Accessing and using the Shop
If you are simply unsure how to use the shop then please refer to this page Accessing Shop If you know how to use the shop but are having issues buying items (such as Add to basket not showing) or not seeing images, please read the suggestions for resolution below.
General Issues
There are rarely any issues when accessing or purchasing from the shop, however issues can occur and these steps have generally cured the problem for the Member.
- Log out from this page and log back in again. This will often cure the issue.
- Refresh of the page on your browser. You can do this by clicking on the circle with an arrow on the top left of most browsers.
- Force a reread and refresh of your cached page by pressing Ctrl + refresh
- Open an InCognito tab (Chrome), InPrivate tab(Edge), Private Window (Safari). These will not use and saved data and do not use the local cache of previously accessed pages.
- Clear you local page cache, be careful what option you choose or you could also lose saved credentials and you will need to re-enter usernames for all web pages.
These suggestions have proven to work for most members to date.
You WILL be locked out from the site for 2 hours if you repeatedly enter an incorrect password. This is currently set to 5 attempts, therefore you should not be surprised when you get the message saying you have been locked out. Please do not keep trying to logon constantly, as you will just be locked out for even longer.
The most common mistakes are:
- letters/numbers wrong way round
- use of forum name
- incorrect email address
If you have reached 4 attempts to log in, are definitely using the correct username, and have still not been successful, I suggest that you reset your password using this link Reset Password
A number of users have been unable to log in and investigation has shown that this is because the are either explicitly using a VPN service or unknowingly using a VPN service. A number of browsers automatically install VPN services when you are browsing, and this is done without the users knowledge.
In all cases, and as stated in the logon page linked to above, you will need tn disable the VPN service or the VPN within your browser to be able to login and use the site.
Network Speed
The 009 Society website is responsive and will present a mobile friendly site to you if you are using a mobile browser that identifies as such. This site still requires a reasonable network connection and if having issues then you will need to move to an area where you get a better signal. Most 3g signals have now been terminated and access should only be made using 4g or 5g. GPRS and eGPRS (also called 2g) do not have sufficient bandwidth.
Other issues
If you are experiencing issues other than those listed above please contact the Webmaster with a description of the issue, stating you operating system and the browser you are using.